The code segments B and D will compile without any error. A is not a valid way to construct a StringBuffer, you need to create a StringBuffer object using "new". B is a valid construction of a Boolean (any string other than "true" or "false" to the Boolean constructor will result in a Boolean with a value of "false"). C will fail to compile because the valid range for a byte is -128 to +127 (i.e., 8 bits, signed). D is correct, 0x1234 is the hexadecimal representation in java. E fails to compile because the compiler interprets 1.2 as a double being assigned to a float (down-casting), which is not valid. You either need an explicit cast, as in "(float)1.2" or "1.2f", to indicate a float.
The output will be "Not equal! 10". Please note that && is logical AND operator. If first operand before (&&) is false then the other operand will not be evaluated. This illustrates that the Output +=10 calculation was never performed because processing stopped after the first operand was evaluated to be false. If you change the value of b1 to true, processing occurs as you would expect and the output would be "We are equal 20".
Data is organized in the form of row and columns, thus it is in tabular structure.
To join 'n' tables 'n-1' conditions should be satisfied.
So to join 4 tables 3 conditions should be satisfied.
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