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  • Question
  • If each side of a square is increased by 25%, find the percentage change in its area.

  • Options
  • A. 56.25%
  • B. 36.25%
  • C. 16.25%
  • D. 12.25%

  • Correct Answer
  • 56.25% 


    Let each side of the square be a. Then, area = . a 2
    New side = 125 a 100 = 5 a 4 . New area =  5 a 4 2  =  25 a 2 16


    Increase in area =  25 a 2 16 - a 2 = 9 a 2 16
    Increase% =  9 a 2 16 * 1 a 2 * 100  % = 56.25%.

  • Tags: Bank Exams, Bank PO

    Area problems

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    • B. Rs. 1024.21
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    • C. 473
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    • B. 814
    • C. 840
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    • B. 17.5 cm
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    • D. 18 cm
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    • B. 85
    • C. 95
    • D. 105
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