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  • Question
  • Statement:
    "To keep myself up - to - date, i always listen to 9:00 p.m. news on radio."-----A candidate tells the interview board.
    I. The candidate does not read newspaper
    II. Recent news are broadcast only on radio.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit
  • C. if either I or II is implicit
  • D. if neither I nor II are implicit

  • Correct Answer
  • if neither I nor II are implicit 


    it doesn't mean that the candidate listens to news on the radio, will not read newspaper or radio is not the only source of information (news). So neither I nor II.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      "Fly X airways whenever you decide to go places. Our fares are less than train fares."--------An advertisement.
      I. People prefer to travel by air when the fares are reasonable.
      II. The fares of other airlines are costlier than those of X airways.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      If the city bus which runs between Ram Nagar and Sant Colony is extended to Vasant Vihar, it will be convenient.-----------Appeal of residents of Ram Nagar to the city bus company
      I. The convenience of the city bus company is much more important than the needs of the consumers
      II. The city bus company is indifferent to the aspirations of the residents of Sant Colony.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      The 'M' Cooperative Housing Society has put up a notice at its gate that sales persons are not allowed inside the society
      I. All the sales persons will stay away from the 'M' Cooperative Housing Society.
      II. The security guard posted at the gate may be able to stop the sales persons entering the society

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      "The potential of knowledge as a creator of wealth is gaining currency all around the world." - View of an economist
      I. Only usable knowledge that is protectable may have the potential of wealth creation.
      II. Only usable knowledge that is protected may have the potential of wealth creation.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      "Completely eliminating the say of executive is not acceptable; merit, ability, competence, integrity and suitability of the candidate alone are not enough for appointment of High Court Judges." -A journalist
      I. A person's social outlook, concern for public interest and promotion of equality and his/her political outlook are also equally important.
      II. Executive consultation will ensure greater transparency of the appointment.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      There has been a remarkable increase in the air traffic in India during the past few years.
      I. Travelling by air has become a status symbol now
      II. Large number of people are able to afford air travel now.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      The head of the organization congratulated the entire staff in his speech for their sincere effort to bring down the deficit and urged them to give their best for attaining a more profitable position in future.
      I. The employees may get motivated and maintain and if possible enhance their present level of work.
      II. The employees may now relax and slow down in their day to day work as there is no immediate threat of huge deficit.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      The product X that you have asked for is not with us but can be made available against firm order from you
      I. The product X is not in great demand
      II.The product X is out of stock as new model is coming up.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      "Two months ago, it was announced that Central Government pensioners would get dearness relief with immediate effect but till date, banks have not credited the arrears."--------A statement from a Pensioners' forum.
      I. Most of the banks normally take care of the pensioners.
      II. two months' time is sufficient for the government machinery to move and give effect to Pensioners.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      The school authorities have decided to increase the number of students in each classroom to seventy from the next academic session to bridge the gap between the income and the expenditure to a large extent.
      I. The income generated by way of fees of the additional students will be sufficient enough to bridge the gap
      II. The school will get all the additional students in each class from the next academic session.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit
    • C. if either I or II is implicit
    • D. if neither I nor II are implicit
    • Discuss


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