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  • Question
  • Statement:
    DTC authorities have planned to advertise various products on bus tickets to put them to good use.
    I. Passengers will read the advertisement printed on tickets.
    II. DTC authorities will get advertisement under this proposal.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.

  • Correct Answer


    DTC authorities are assuming both the assumptions; that is why they have planned so.

  • Statement and Assumption problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      People of Indian Origin (PIO) maintain their cultural traditions and values even though they have settled comfortably in their adopted countries.
      I. Indian culture is flexible enough to be adjusted with any other culture.
      II. Indian culture is superior to other cultures.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      "Our population is now 100 cr. Let's have small family for stronger India."----a nasal message sent by the MTNL.
      I. Public messages sent through communication media are effective tools to achieve the desired end.
      II. The runaway population growth seems to be a major cause of worry for the government.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      India is suffering because citizens have given and taken votes based on caste/religion and not principles.
      I. The day of value-based voting are numbered in India.
      II. The voting based on principles has the potential to nullify the problems created by the politics of caste and religion.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      It is not unknown in India that inquiry reports, usually compiled with considerable care, are shelved and forgotten as soon as the initial outrage dies down.
      I. The credibility of inquiry reports has considerably gone down in India.
      II. Inquiry reports in India are never implemented up to the expectations of the victims of a crisis.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      Unemployment has increased in spite of the Indian economy growing well.
      I. Economic growth is supposed to create more job opportunities.
      II. There are certain factors other than economic growth which influence employment.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      The parents of students are demonstrating at Legislative Council to protest against fee hike revision by the capital's educational institutions.
      I. The parents are unable to afford increased fee.
      II. In view of large-scale protestation Legislative Council may direct the capital's educational institutions to stop the fee hike.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      " All the State Govts and UTs should go for compulsory video-filming of the post -mortem examinations in the cases of custodial deaths." ---National Human Right Commission.
      I. Doctors sometimes give false post-mortem report in case of custodial deaths.
      II. The Kith and Kin of the victims do not get justice for custodial violence.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      Income in the hands of women contributes much more to the household food security and child nutrition then the income controlled by men.
      I. Women pay more attention to household nutrition.
      II. Men are more interested in outside affairs.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      "The state's executive machinery should take all necessary measures to stop hazardous and poisonous effluents from being discharged into Yamuna."--A court order
      I. The water of Yamuna is contaminated.
      II. State machinery has failed to take adequate measures to prevent the problem of water pollution in Yamuna.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      If betting and match- fixing play a vital role in cricket , which makes the game ungentlemanly and ugly, there is absolutely no use of wasting precious time to watch the game of cricket which cheats the innocent.
      I. This contagious disease may spray to other games.
      II. Cricketers indulge in betting and match-fixing, and are exploiting innocent public feelings.

    • Options
    • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
    • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
    • C. if either I or II is implicit.
    • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
    • Discuss


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