Here the given numbers are
567 284 696 865 738
When 1 is added to the last digit of each of the above numbers, it becomes as follows :
568 285 697 866 739
After reversing the order of digits , we get
865 582 796 668 937
Now , when the numbers are arranged in ascending order their order becomes as follows:
582 668 796 865 937
Hence , the fourth number is 865 (a number formed by 567). Therefore option(1) is correct answer.
Initialy from left 7th = kumar
from right 9th = pawan
Interchange kumar = 11th from left, from right kumar = 9th;
11+8 = 19;
8 is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7(pawan),8,9,10,11(kumar),12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19;
simply count the 9th place from right we will get total as 19.
The new numbers formed are 571, 352, 693, 814, 729
The second highest number is 729, its first digit is 7
There are 27 numbers in the given sequence
So, middle number = 14th number = 9
Clearly, the third number to the left of this 9 is 4
Any number divisible by 9 is also divisible by 3.
If day before yesterday was Saturday, so today is Monday. Thus, tomorrow will be Tuesday and day after tomarrow will be Wednesday.
Clearly, we may mark such sets of 3 numbers, in which the middle number is 8 and each of the two numbers on both sides of it is a factor of 8, as shown below :
2 8 3 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 6 8 2 8 2 4 8 3 8 2 8 6
So, there are two such 8's. Hence the answer is C.
Clearly, the last bell rang 45 minutes before 7.45 am, i.e at 7.00 am. But it happened five minutes before the priest gave the information to the devotee. So, the information was given at 7.05 am
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