Meaningful order of words:
3. Open ? 1. Type ? 4. Save ? 2. Print ? 5. Close
Meaningful order of words:
1. Apartment ? 4. Building ? 5. Complex ? 3. Street ? 2. Town
Meaningful order of words:
6. Rain ? 1. Rivulet ? 3. Tributory ? 4. River ? 5. Sea ? 2. Ocean
Meaningful order of words:
3. Mosquito ? 2. Cat ? 4. Tiger ? 1. Elephant ? 5. Whale
Meaningful order in ascending order
4. Electron ? 1. Atom ? 3. Molecule ? 2. Matter
Stone Age ? Metallic Age ? Alloy Age ? Atomic Age
Meaningful order of words:
3. Asia (Continant) ? 1. India (Country) ? 4. Karnataka (State) ? 2. Bangalore (Capital of State)
Meaningful order of words:
2. Sand ? 1. Stone ? 3. Rock ? 4. Boulder ? 5. Hill
Meaningful order of words in ascending order:
5. Advertisement ? 2. Interview ? 3. Selection ? 4. Appointment ? 1. Probation
Arrangement of words in descending order:
Tree ? Plant ? Sapling ? Seed
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