Here, repeated block is 'abxdm'.
Now, abxdmabxdmabxdm
m c a/ m c a/ m c a/ m c a/m c a/ mca
The last letter of each previous block is moved to the beginning of the successive block.
Now, pqrst/tpqrs/stpqr/rstpq
The Word cbbg is repeating.
cbbg/cbbg/cbbg ? cgbcb
Fill the blank space with correct alphabets as NOPQ word is repeating.
N O P Q , N O P Q, N O P Q, N O P Q ? NOPQ
The series is made of repetition of block nccl.
nccl/nccl/nccl/nccl/nccl ? cclcn
First and Last word is of same letters. Middle words are having opposite letters.
Hence, set aabbb come in gap respectively.
In the series, the pattern bca is repeated. Hence the series is
bc/abc/abc/abc/abc/abc/a = abccb
The word PQRS is following the pattern by moving first letters in last one by one.
Set 'sqppqpr' completes the given letter series.
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