


Synonyms problems

  • 1. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: DILIGENT

  • Options
  • A. Progressive
  • B. Brilliant
  • C. Inventive
  • D. Hard-working
  • Discuss
  • 2. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: PIOUS

  • Options
  • A. Pure
  • B. Pretentious
  • C. Clean
  • D. Devout
  • Discuss
  • 3. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: BROWSE

  • Options
  • A. Heal
  • B. Deceive
  • C. Examine
  • D. Strike
  • Discuss
  • 4. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: INFREQUENT

  • Options
  • A. Never
  • B. Usual
  • C. Rare
  • D. Sometimes
  • Discuss
  • 5. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: RESTRAINT

  • Options
  • A. Hindrance
  • B. Repression
  • C. Obstacle
  • D. Restriction
  • Discuss
  • 6. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: DEIFY

  • Options
  • A. Flatter
  • B. Challenge
  • C. Worship
  • D. Face
  • Discuss
  • 7. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: HARBINGER

  • Options
  • A. Messenger
  • B. Steward
  • C. Forerunner
  • D. Pilot
  • Discuss
  • 8. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: VENUE

  • Options
  • A. Place
  • B. Agenda
  • C. Time
  • D. Duration
  • Discuss
  • 9. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: CANDID

  • Options
  • A. Apparent
  • B. Explicit
  • C. Frank
  • D. Bright
  • Discuss
  • 10. In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word: MELD

  • Options
  • A. To soothe
  • B. Merge
  • C. Purchase
  • D. Glisten
  • Discuss

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