Two, three, four, two, three, curves get inverted sequentially
Similar figures reappears in every fourth step and each time a figure rotates through 90 degree anti clock wise.
The arcs gets inverted sequentially in one, two, three, one, two, three... manner and in anti clock wise.
Two elements are added in each in each step, be it two lines, two arcs or one line and one arc.
The symbol gets vertically inverted and laterally inverted alternately. It also moves in anti-clockwise direction through distance equal to two half- side (of square boundary) and three half sides alternately.
One dot is replaced by a symbol and the replacement takes place on either end. And rotates anti clock wise at 45 degree in each step.
From the above given question figures , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the inner line segments move in anticlockwise direction.
Hence , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
On the basis of given figure in above question, we get
Figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure . As shown in answer figures .
As per the given above question figures , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the design rotates through 90° clockwise and the oblique lines are rearranged.
Therefore , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, we can say that
From first figure to second figure the circle and the rectangle interchange positions and the upper shaded square moves to the lower side.
Thus , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
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