All the elements change their place diagonally and all figures at the corner of the left side base figure is in shade.
The element or the figures moves anti-click wise.
First two figures are doubled in the next two figures, but the position remains same.
The circle at the quadrant changes its position with alternate shades clock wise and the shaded dot moves every 90° clock wise.
Increase of arc and faces in a single or one direction.
In each step the outer large figure disappears and the middle element becomes the outer large figure for the next step.
Answer C
Answer B
The elements present at the diagonally (left. Upper corner to the bottom down corner) changes their places one unit and the elements at the left bottom corner end right upper corner interchanged their places this patterns follows alternately to the alternate figures
In each step, the upper element is lost, the middle element reduces in size and becomes the upper element, the lower element enlarges and become the middle element and every time a new element appears at the bottom of the figure.
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