On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In the subsequent, figures the arrow and black dot move half and one step alternately in anticlockwise direction.
Hence , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
The three types of designs move upward step wise and the uppermost design becomes the lowermost design in each subsequent figure.
Thus , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In the answer figure the horizontal line would point upwards and the lower portion of the design should be like that of the first figure.
Clearly , answer figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
The number of lines is doubled in each subsequent figure in a set pattern.
Clearly , answer figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the central design rotates through 45° while other three designs move in clockwise direction.
Hence , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure the designs (?) and (?) move one step in clockwise direction while the designs (⋅) and (?) move one step in anticlockwise direction.
Therefore , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the star and shaded triangle move one step in clockwise direction and one white circle is added.
Hence , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
In each subsequent figure the two smaller designs move one step in clockwise direction.
Thus , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure the design rotates through 90° clockwise.
Therefore , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
Every time a new figure introduced and moves one unit in anti-clock wise direction.
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