On the basis of given figures in above question ,it is clear that
Two straight lines are changing their positions in anti clockwise direction. The rest of the figure: 1 = 3 = 5 and 2 = 4
Hence , figure ( 4 ) will come on the next place of question figure . As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the main design rotates through 90° anticlockwise and one line segment is deleted.
Hence , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the shaded sector moves two steps in clockwise direction while the sector containing plus signs moves three steps in anticlockwise direction.
Hence , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure the main design rotates through 90° clockwise.
Thus , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
From the above given question figures , we can say that
One arm is added to the butterfly to the left side and to the right side alternately.
Clearly , answer figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
The outermost figure becomes the innermost figure, the second figure becomes the outermost figure, the third figure becomes the second figure while the inner most figure becomes the third figure.
Thus , answer figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .
From the above given question figures , we can say that
One arm is added to the design in a set order.
Clearly , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure half part of design is added.
Hence , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? from given answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure, the line segment with small circle rotates through 90° anticlockwise and moves from left to right and vice-versa. The other design moves one step in clockwise direction.
Therefore , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure two leaflets and two triangles are added.
Clearly , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
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