The element in the first two figure changes its position diagonally and central figure remains same.
Vertical line increases by one and diagonal line cuts it every time from left corner to right corner diagonally.
One line is removed from the figure in each step on 3rd step on wards one line is added.
This is the path of lower figure whereas the figures follows the above path and
changes the position in 90 degree up n down manner.
In one stop, the figure gets a dividing mark or line than in the very next step it is separated and this pattern repeated alternatively.
Circle (Shaded circle) moves anti- clockwise and rest figures interchanged their position with the Opposite figure.
First (X) moves down ward one step then (-) moves left side, then again (X) and so on.
As per the given above question figures , we can say that
In each subsequent figure one circle from the lower side is deleted and the first circle is in creasing in size.
Hence , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
As per the given above question figures , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the ribs of leaf are inverted and some parts of flower are deleted.
Therefore , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
From Problem Figure (1) to (2) one inverted design has been added. Considering the given options the most suitable answer seems to be option (2).
Hence , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
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