On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure all the designs move one step in anticlockwise direction.
Hence , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we get
In each subsequent figure the three small squares move in anticlockwise direction.
Thus , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
In each subsequent figure ‘T’ rotates 90º clockwise and alternately becomes separated. The other design is based on the rule (1) = (3) and hence (2) = (4).
Thus , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure two designs are added to the middle part, lower part and upper part respectively.
Thus , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In each subsequent figure the designs move one sector in anticlockwise direction.
Thus , figure ( 1 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
On the basis of given figures in above question , we can see that
In the first step, the two smaller designs interchange positions while in the next step the entire figure rotates through 45° clockwise.
Thus , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
In the subsequent figures the arrow moves from left to right and vice-versa, the circle moves one step in anticlockwise direction and the cross sign moves to the top and changes into a plus sign.
Thus , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? in question figure .As shown in answer figures .
According to above given question figures , we can say that
In each subsequent figure the arrow moves in clockwise direction and the circle moves in anticlockwise direction and the vertical line is inverted after every two figures.
Hence , figure ( 2 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure the three smaller designs move in clockwise direction along the apex of the triangle and arrow is inverted.
Hence , figure ( 4 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
As per the given figure in above question, it is clear that
In each subsequent figure one dot is added and alternately dots become white. Again, in each subsequent figure one arrow is deleted.
Hence , figure ( 3 ) will come on the place of ? from answer figures .
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