How many triangles are there in the given figure?
How many triangles are there in the given figure?
When a mirror is placed on the line AB, then which right image of the given figure?
In the following, rectangle represents Physicians, circle represents Floral designers, triangle represents Sculptors and square represents Americans. Which set of letters represents Americans who are either Floral designers or Sculptors?
If a mirror is placed on the line MN, then which is the right figure of the question figure?
In the following figure, square represents Dentists, triangle represents Collectors, circle represents Indians and rectangle represents Women. Which set of letters represents Indians who are either collectors or women?
In the following figure, rectangle represents Fashion designers, circle represents Lyricists, triangle represents Comedians and square represents Americans. Which set of letters represents Fashion designers who are Lyricists?
How many triangles are there in the question figure?
How many rectangles can you see in the figure?
In the figure, square represents Painters, triangle represents Women, circle represents Accountants and rectangle represents Americans. Which set of letters represents Americans who are not accountants?
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