2, 4, 5 contain two similar elements, one placed inside the other and touching it.
6, 7 contain geometrical figures which are divided into four equal parts by two mutually perpendicular straight lines.
3, 7, 8 are figures that have patterns formed from four lines curved in a convex direction.
4, 6, 9 are figures that have patterns formed from these straight lines.
2, 6, 9 contain a triangle with its three medians as the outer element and another element (similar or different) placed inside it.
3, 4, 8 contain a circle with its two mutually perpendicular diameters as the outer element and another element (similar or different) placed inside it.
2, 6, 8 are all triangles.
4, 7, 9 are all quadrilaterals.
3, 5, 9 have one element placed inside a different element.
4, 6, 8 have two different elements attached to each other.
2, 5, 7 contain a semi-circle each.
4, 8, 9 contain a triangle each.
3, 7, 9 are closed figures shaded by oblique line segments.
2, 4, 5 are figures composed of straight lines only.
3, 5, 6 are geometrical figures divided into two parts.
2, 4, 9 are geometrical figures divided into four parts.
2, 5, 6 contain three elements (two of which are similar) placed one inside the other.
3, 7, 9 contain one element inside the other, which may or may not be similar.
2, 3, 6 contain two similar elements one inside the other and both touching each other.
4, 5, 8 are divided into equal parts by straight lines emerging from the centre.
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