The Progressive Movement:
Today, you hear the term ''progressive'' discussed a lot in politics, but progressivism is not a new concept. It was first used to describe policies and interventions of the late 19th to early 20th century, by reformers who felt the need for societal changes.
The first Progressives felt called to action in response to the conditions of poverty, inequality, and corruption that were pervasive during the 19th century.
Samuel Gompers was a leading proponent of workers' rights. He was the first president of the American Federation of Labor, an organization that represented skilled workers from many different industries. Gompers advocated using collective bargaining or negotiations and strikes to gain greater rights for workers.
In April 1500, Brazil was claimed by Portugal on the arrival of the Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Alvares Cabral.
The temperance movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was an exception in many ways: "Temperance" refers to the moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages.
However, in the context of the temperance movement, the term usually indicated complete abstinence, which means drinking no alcohol at all. The goal of the temperance movement in the United States was to make the production and sale of alcohol illegal. Supporters believed that prohibiting alcohol would solve a number of society's problems, making people safer, healthier, and more productive.
The Progressive Era took place in the US from the 1890s to the1920s. The movement was an effort to reform the government andeliminate the corruption within it. Social activists also wanted toreform the educational system, the insurance industry, thechurches, and many other things they felt were out of control, andnot working in the best interests of the citizens.
Woodrow Wilson was one of the major "Progressives" in American government and so 'He wanted to place strict government controls on corporations.'
The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial reforms and regulations enacted in the United States 1933-36, in response to the Great Depression organized by Franklin Roosevelt in US.
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