


Strings problems

  • 1. What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below?

    namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
        class SampleProgram
            static void Main(string[ ] args)
                string str= "Hello World!";
                Console.WriteLine( String.Compare(str, "Hello World?" ).GetType() );

  • Options
  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. String
  • D. Hello World?
  • E. System.Int32
  • Discuss
  • 2. Which of the following is the correct way to find out the index of the second 's' in the string "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"?

  • Options
  • A.
    String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"; 
    int i;
    i = str.SecondIndexOf("s");
  • B.
    String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"; 
    int i, j;
    i = str.FirstIndexOf("s"); 
    j = str.IndexOf("s", i + 1);
  • C.
    String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"; 
    int i, j;
    i = str.IndexOf("s"); 
    j = str.IndexOf("s", i + 1);
  • D.
    String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"; 
    int i, j;
    i = str.LastIndexOf("s"); 
    j = str.IndexOf("s", i - 1);
  • E.
    String str = "She sells sea shells on the sea-shore"; 
    int i, j;
    i = str.IndexOf("S"); 
    j = str.IndexOf("s", i);
  • Discuss
  • 3. Which of the following statements are correct?

    1. String is a value type.
    2. String literals can contain any character literal including escape sequences.
    3. The equality operators are defined to compare the values of string objects as well as references.
    4. Attempting to access a character that is outside the bounds of the string results in an IndexOutOfRangeException.
    5. The contents of a string object can be changed after the object is created.

  • Options
  • A. 1, 3
  • B. 3, 5
  • C. 2, 4
  • D. 1, 2, 4
  • Discuss
  • 4. Which of the following snippets are the correct way to convert a Single into a String?

    1. Single f = 9.8f; 
      String s;
      s = (String) (f);
    2. Single f = 9.8f; 
      String s;
      s = Convert.ToString(f);
    3. Single f = 9.8f; 
      String s;
      s = f.ToString();
    4. Single f = 9.8f; 
      String s;
      s = Clnt(f);
    5. Single f = 9.8f; 
      String s;
      s = CString(f);

  • Options
  • A. 1, 2
  • B. 2, 3
  • C. 1, 3, 5
  • D. 2, 4
  • Discuss
  • 5. Which of the following statement is correct about a String in C#.NET?

  • Options
  • A. A String is mutable because it can be modified once it has been created.
  • B. Methods of the String class can be used to modify the string.
  • C. A number CANNOT be represented in the form of a String.
  • D. A String has a zero-based index.
  • E. The System.Array class is used to represent a string.
  • Discuss
  • 6. Which of the following will be the correct output for the C#.NET code snippet given below?

    String s1 = "ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL";
    String s2;
    s2 = s1.Substring(12, 3); 

  • Options
  • A. ARE
  • B. CRE
  • C. CR
  • D. REA
  • Discuss
  • 7. Which of the following will be the correct output for the C#.NET code snippet given below?

    String s1="Kicit";
    Console.Write(s1.IndexOf('c') + " "); 

  • Options
  • A. 3 6
  • B. 2 5
  • C. 3 5
  • D. 2 6
  • E. 3 7
  • Discuss

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