


Docks and Harbours problems

  • 1. Which one of the following land marks on the coast line must be depicted on hydrographic maps?

  • Options
  • A. shore line
  • B. light houses
  • C. church spires
  • D. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 2. If h and h1 are the heights of a light house and the observer in a ship in metres above M S L then the horizontal distance from the ship to the light house in kilometres is

  • Options
  • A. 3.86 (h + h1)
  • B. 3.86 (h - h1)
  • C. 3.86 (h x h1)
  • D. 3.86 ? (h + h1)
  • Discuss
  • 3. For location of soundings a range and one angle from the shore involves the following operations. Which one is correct?

  • Options
  • A. A range line is established
  • B. The first and the last soundings and every tenth soundings are fixed by angular observations
  • C. The intermediate soundings are fixed by the time intervals
  • D. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 4. According to the recommendations of International Navigational Congress in 1912, the ratio of length to width at the entrance for cargo vessels is

  • Options
  • A. 5.5 and 6.0 to 1
  • B. 6.2 and 6.8 to 1
  • C. 7.4 and 7.8 to 1
  • D. 8.2 and 8.5 to 1
  • Discuss
  • 5. The width of the entrances of the harbours is restricted to

  • Options
  • A. 100 m
  • B. 125 m
  • C. 150 m
  • D. 180 m
  • Discuss
  • 6. A lead line or sounding line

  • Options
  • A. is stretched thoroughly when wet before it is graduated
  • B. should be soaked in water for about one hour prior to taking soundings
  • C. is adjusted at regular interval
  • D. is generally used for depths exceeding 6 m
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 7. Which one of the following statements is correct?

  • Options
  • A. The soundings are made with respect to the mean low water
  • B. The soundings which are below the datum are written in black on the map
  • C. The spot heights of the features above datum are written in red on the map
  • D. The decimal point of the sounding value is at the exact position of the sounding
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 8. Pick up the correct statement function following:

  • Options
  • A. The coarse material which has a smaller angle of repose, causes a steeper beach slope
  • B. The coarse material which has a greater angle of repose, causes a steeper beach slope
  • C. The flattening out of the beach is caused due to the movement of small and uniform particles leeward.
  • D. both (b) and (c).
  • Discuss
  • 9. The shape of docks and basins is generally kept

  • Options
  • A. rectangular ways
  • B. diamond shape guays
  • C. inclined gauys
  • D. all of these.
  • Discuss
  • 10. The important component of a sea port is

  • Options
  • A. terminal buildings
  • B. the docks
  • C. the harbour
  • D. all of these.
  • Discuss

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