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  • Question
  • what is the sum of all the two-digits numbers which when divided by 7 gives a remainder of 3?

  • Options
  • A. 94
  • B. 676
  • C. 696
  • D. None of these

  • Correct Answer
  • 676 


    According to question,
    First Two Digit Number, which is divided by 7 and give the remainder 3, will be 10.
    Last Two Digit Number, which is divided by 7 and give the remainder 3, will be 94.
    The common difference between two consecutive numbers will be 7.
    This series will be like ?10, 17, 21 ,............................ 94.
    Here First Number a = 10, Last number tn = 94, Common Difference d = 7 ;
    Using the Formula for Last Number tn = a + (n - 1) x d;
    ? a + (n - 1) x d = tn
    Put the value of a , d and tn in above equation.
    ? 10 + (n - 1) x 7 = 94
    ? 10 + 7n - 7 = 94
    ? 7n + 3 = 94
    ? 7n = 94 - 3 = 91
    ? n = 91/7
    ? n = 13
    Using the formula for the sum of Arithmetic Progression.
    Sn = n/2 [ First Number + Last Number ] ;
    Put the value of n , First Number and Last Number, we will get,
    Sn = 13/2 [ 10 + 94 ]
    Sn = 104 x 13/2
    Sn = 52 x 13
    Sn = 676

  • Linear Equation problems

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      A boy agrees to work at the rate of 1 rupees on the first day, 2 rupees on the second day. Four rupees on the third day and so on . how much will the boy get if he starts working on the 1st of February and finishes on the 20th of February?

    • Options
    • A. 220
    • B. 220-1
    • C. 219-1
    • D. 219
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    • B. 18th March 2016
    • C. 26th March 2016
    • D. None of these
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    • Options
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    • C. (mn+1)/2
    • D. (mn-1)/2
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    • Options
    • A. 15
    • B. 5
    • C. 8
    • D. 10
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      If 24 is subtracted from a number, it reduces to its four-seventh. what is the sum of the digits of that number?

    • Options
    • A. 1
    • B. 9
    • C. 11
    • D. Data inadequate
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    • 9. 
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    • Options
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    • B. 18
    • C. 20
    • D. 30
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    • D. 5/4
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