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  • Question
  • A boy agrees to work at the rate of 1 rupees on the first day, 2 rupees on the second day. Four rupees on the third day and so on . how much will the boy get if he starts working on the 1st of February and finishes on the 20th of February?

  • Options
  • A. 220
  • B. 220-1
  • C. 219-1
  • D. 219

  • Correct Answer
  • 220-1 


    According to given question,
    First day 1 rs, second day 2 rs, third day 4 rs.....
    1 , 2 , 4............ and so on
    The given series is in geometric progression (GP).
    1, 21, 22,.............
    Sum of first n terms in a geometric progression(GP)
    Sn = a (rn ? 1) /(r ?1)
    if r > 1 and where a= the first term, r = common ratio,n = number of terms

    As per the given question a = 1 , r = 2 and n = 20;
    Sn = 1(220 ? 1) /(2 ?1)
    Sn = (220 ? 1) /1
    Sn = (220 ? 1)
    Sn = 220 ? 1

  • Linear Equation problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      A number 15 is divided into 3 parts which are in Arithmetic Progression (A.P) and the sum of their squares is 83. What will be the smallest number?

    • Options
    • A. 5
    • B. 3
    • C. 6
    • D. 8
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      A man arranges to pay off a debt of ?3600 in 40 annual installments which form an Arithmetic Progression (A.P). When 30 of the installments are paid, he dies leaving one-third of the debt unpaid . Find the value of the first installment.

    • Options
    • A. 55
    • B. 53
    • C. 51
    • D. 49
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      On March 1st 2016 , sherry saved ? 1. Everyday starting from March 2nd 2016, he save ?1 more than the previous day . Find the first date after March 1st 2016 at the end of which his total savings will be a perfect square.

    • Options
    • A. 17th March 2016
    • B. 18th March 2016
    • C. 26th March 2016
    • D. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      How many 3-digits numbers are completely divisible by 6?

    • Options
    • A. 149
    • B. 150
    • C. 151
    • D. 166
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      The Fourth term of an Arithmetic Progression is 37 and the Sixth term is 12 more than the Fourth term. What is the sum of the Second and Eight terms?

    • Options
    • A. 54
    • B. 64
    • C. 74
    • D. 84
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      what is the sum of all the two-digits numbers which when divided by 7 gives a remainder of 3?

    • Options
    • A. 94
    • B. 676
    • C. 696
    • D. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      If the m th term of an Arithmetic Progression (AP) is 1/n and n th term is 1/m, then find the sum of mn terms.

    • Options
    • A. (mn-1)/4
    • B. (mn+1)/4
    • C. (mn+1)/2
    • D. (mn-1)/2
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      The Sum of all terms of the arithmetic progression having 10th terms except for the 1st term, is 99, and except for the 6th term , 89. Find the 3rd terms of the progression if the sum of the 1st and the 5th term is equal to 10.

    • Options
    • A. 15
    • B. 5
    • C. 8
    • D. 10
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      If 24 is subtracted from a number, it reduces to its four-seventh. what is the sum of the digits of that number?

    • Options
    • A. 1
    • B. 9
    • C. 11
    • D. Data inadequate
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      If the sum of one-half and one-fifth of the number exceeds one-third of that number by 7 1/3 , the number is

    • Options
    • A. 15
    • B. 18
    • C. 20
    • D. 30
    • Discuss


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