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  • Question
  • A decimal-to-BCD encoder has ________ data inputs.

  • Options
  • A. two
  • B. four
  • C. five
  • D. ten

  • Correct Answer
  • ten 

  • MSI Logic Circuits problems

    Search Results

    • 1. The normal outputs of a magnitude comparator are ________.

    • Options
    • A. A < B, A = B, and A > B
    • B. Sum, difference, and carry
    • C. Cin, Cout, and Sum
    • D. A = B, A + B, and carry
    • Discuss
    • 2. In an AHDL BCD to binary coded converter, multiplication by 10 is performed by ________.

    • Options
    • A. a multiplication operator
    • B. shifting bits
    • C. a library function
    • D. a variable type
    • Discuss
    • 3. An eight-line multiplexer must have as inputs ________.

    • Options
    • A. four data inputs and three select inputs
    • B. eight data inputs and two select inputs
    • C. eight data inputs and three select inputs
    • D. eight data inputs and four select inputs
    • Discuss
    • 4. The 74139 dual four-line demultiplexer functions as a decoder if ________.

    • Options
    • A. the line is grounded
    • B. data input is on the line
    • C. data input is on the A0 line
    • D. the A0 line is grounded
    • Discuss
    • 5. The diagram given below shows a ________, and in order for the decimal number 3 to be displayed, terminals ________ must be ________.

    • Options
    • A. common-cathode seven-segment display, ef, LOW
    • B. common-anode seven-segment display, abcdg, HIGH
    • C. common-anode seven-segment display, abcdg, LOW
    • D. common-cathode seven-segment display, abcdg, HIGH
    • Discuss
    • 6. A(n) ________ is a logic circuit that accepts a set of inputs that represents a binary number, and activates only the output that corresponds to that input number.

    • Options
    • A. decoder
    • B. LED
    • C. encoder
    • D. demultiplexer
    • Discuss
    • 7. A 1-of-8 octal decoder has eight outputs and decodes an input of ________ bit(s).

    • Options
    • A. three
    • B. two
    • C. four
    • D. one
    • Discuss
    • 8. The device shown in below is a ________ and for the waveforms shown in the accompanying diagram, the ________ output at point X will be ________ and all others will be ________.

    • Options
    • A. multiplexer, D4, HIGH, LOW
    • B. demultiplexer, D3, LOW, HIGH
    • C. demultiplexer, D3, HIGH, LOW
    • D. decoder, D12, LOW, LOW
    • Discuss
    • 9. If by chance more than one of the inputs in an HDL encoder is activated at the same time, the priority encoder ________.

    • Options
    • A. enters a fault mode
    • B. ignores the least significant input
    • C. resamples the data
    • D. finds some other input
    • Discuss
    • 10. Another name for a multiplexer is ________.

    • Options
    • A. encoder
    • B. decoder
    • C. code converter
    • D. data selector
    • Discuss


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