Which of the following plants does not emit appreciable amount of SO2 in atmosphere?
A. Thermal power plant
B. Petroleum refinery
C. Nitric acid plant
D. Sulphuric acid plant
Correct Answer
Nitric acid plant
Environmental Engineering problems
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1. Green house gases blanket/block the infrared radiation from earth's surface to the atmosphere leading to its progressive warming up. Which of the following gases does not exhibit green house effect?
4. Which of the following is the most efficient for removal of very finely divided suspended solids and colloidal matter from the polluted water stream?
5. Major sources of noise in furnace operation arises from air inspirators, combustion, side wall vibrations and fluctuation in the process heat load. A 50% increase in fuel firing rate may increase the furnace noise level by about __________ decibels.
7. 'Safe limit' called Threshold Limit Value (TLV) of carbon monoxide in atmospheric air is < 50 ppm. The main source of carbon monoxide pollutant in air is the
10. A considerable part of the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sum does not reach the earth surface, because of the fact that, there is a layer of __________ high above earth's atmosphere, which absorbs it.