public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { int I = 1; do while ( I < 1 ) System.out.print("I is " + I); while ( I > 1 ) ; } }
for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { switch(i) { case 0: break; case 1: System.out.print("one "); case 2: System.out.print("two "); case 3: System.out.print("three "); } } System.out.println("done");
When i is 0, nothing will be printed because of the break in case 0.
When i is 1, "one two three" will be output because case 1, case 2 and case 3 will be executed (they don't have break statements).
When i is 2, "two three" will be output because case 2 and case 3 will be executed (again no break statements).
Finally, when the for loop finishes "done" will be output.
int i = 0; while(1) { if(i == 4) { break; } ++i; } System.out.println("i = " + i);
int i = 0, j = 5; tp: for (;;) { i++; for (;;) { if(i > --j) { break tp; } } System.out.println("i =" + i + ", j = " + j);
public class Switch2 { final static short x = 2; public static int y = 0; public static void main(String [] args) { for (int z=0; z < 4; z++) { switch (z) { case x: System.out.print("0 "); default: System.out.print("def "); case x-1: System.out.print("1 "); break; case x-2: System.out.print("2 "); } } } }
public class Switch2 { final static short x = 2; public static int y = 0; public static void main(String [] args) { for (int z=0; z < 3; z++) { switch (z) { case x: System.out.print("0 "); case x-1: System.out.print("1 "); case x-2: System.out.print("2 "); } } } }
int i = l, j = -1; switch (i) { case 0, 1: j = 1; /* Line 4 */ case 2: j = 2; default: j = 0; } System.out.println("j = " + j);
Float f = new Float("12"); switch (f) { case 12: System.out.println("Twelve"); case 0: System.out.println("Zero"); default: System.out.println("Default"); }
int I = 0; outer: while (true) { I++; inner: for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { I += j; if (j == 3) continue inner; break outer; } continue outer; } System.out.println(I);
int x = l, y = 6; while (y--) { x++; } System.out.println("x = " + x +" y = " + y);
while(true) { //insert code here }
int x = 3; int y = 1; if (x = y) /* Line 3 */ { System.out.println("x =" + x); }
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