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  • Question
  • What will be the output of the following program?
    class CuriousTab
        char str[50]; 
        char tmp[50]; 
        CuriousTab(char *s)
            strcpy(str, s);
        int CuriousTabFunction()
            int i = 0, j = 0; 
            while(*(str + i))
                if(*(str + i++) == ' ')
                    *(tmp + j++) = *(str + i);
            *(tmp + j) = 0; 
            return strlen(tmp); 
    int main()
        char txt[] = "Welcome to CuriousTab.com!";
        CuriousTab objCuriousTab(txt); 
        cout<< objCuriousTab.CuriousTabFunction();
        return 0;

  • Options
  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 24
  • D. 25

  • Correct Answer

  • Objects and Classes problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTab
          int x; 
          float y; 
          void Function()
              x = 4; 
              y = 2.50; delete this;
          void Display()
              cout<< x << " " << y;
      int main()
          CuriousTab *pCuriousTab = new CuriousTab();
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 4 2.5.
    • B. The program will print the output 4.
    • C. The program will report runtime error.
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 2. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTabTeam
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTabTeam(int xx)
              x = ++xx;
          void Display()
              cout<< --x << " ";
      int main()
          CuriousTabTeam objBT(45);
          int *p = (int*)&objBT;
          *p = 23;
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. 45 22
    • B. 46 22
    • C. 45 23
    • D. 46 23
    • Discuss
    • 3. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTabBase
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTabBase(int xx = 10, int yy = 10)
              x = xx;
              y = yy;
          void Show()
              cout<< x * y << endl;
      class CuriousTabDerived : public CuriousTabBase
              CuriousTabBase objBase; 
          CuriousTabDerived(int xx, int yy) : CuriousTabBase(xx, yy)
      int main()
          CuriousTabDerived objDev(10, 20);
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 100.
    • B. The program will print the output 200.
    • C. The program will print the output Garbage-value.
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 4. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTab
          static int x; 
          static void SetData(int xx)
              x = xx; 
          void Display() 
              cout<< x ;
      int CuriousTab::x = 0; 
      int main()
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 0.
    • B. The program will print the output 33.
    • C. The program will print the output Garbage.
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 5. What will be the output of the following program?
      class CuriousTab
          static int count; 
          static void First(void)
              count = 10;
          static void Second(int x)
              count = count + x; 
          static void Display(void)
              cout<< count << endl;
      int CuriousTab::count = 0; 
      int main()
          CuriousTab :: First();
          CuriousTab :: Second(5);
          CuriousTab :: Display();
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. 0  
    • B. 5
    • C. 10
    • D. 15
    • E. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 6. Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
      class CuriousTabBase
          int x, y; 
          CuriousTabBase(int xx = 10, int yy = 10)
              x = xx;
              y = yy;
          void Show()
              cout<< x * y << endl;
      class CuriousTabDerived : public CuriousTabBase
              CuriousTabBase objBase; 
          CuriousTabDerived(int xx, int yy) : CuriousTabBase(xx, yy), objBase(yy, yy)
      int main()
          CuriousTabDerived objDev(10, 20);
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. The program will print the output 100.
    • B. The program will print the output 200.
    • C. The program will print the output 400.
    • D. The program will print the output Garbage-value.
    • E. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 7. What will be the output of the following program?
      class A
          void CuriousTabFunction(void)
              cout<< "Class A" << endl;
      class B: public A
          void CuriousTabFunction(void)
              cout<< "Class B" << endl;
      class C : public B
          void CuriousTabFunction(void)
              cout<< "Class C" << endl;
      int main()
          A *ptr;
          B objB;
          ptr = &objB;
          ptr = new C();
          return 0; 

    • Options
    • A. Class A.
    • B. Class B.
    • C. Class C.
    • D. The program will report compile time error.
    • Discuss
    • 8. Which of the following statements is correct?

      1. A reference is not a constant pointer.
      2. A referenced is automatically de-referenced.

    • Options
    • A. Only 1 is correct.
    • B. Only 2 is correct.
    • C. Both 1 and 2 are correct.
    • D. Both 1 and 2 are incorrect.
    • Discuss


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