The statement implies that politicians win election by the votes of people. Therefore, neither of the assumptions implicit in the statement.
In this the numbers are arranged as follows. The least number followed by the highest number followed by the second least number followed by the second highest number and so on. This is done through the process of shifting the number. The given input is hence subsequent output is:
Given that :- Today + 3 days = Tuesday
? Today = Tuesday ? 3 days = Saturday
Yesterday = Saturday ?1 day = Friday
Friday ? 4 days = Monday
Hence , required answer will be Monday .
Only 119 has different factors, 7 and 17 and no factors are repeated.
From the given word, ' MEDICO' is the only word which can be formed.
Given word is combination of mbb and maa.
Fill the missing letters as per above two words.
mbb/maa/mbb/maa/mbb ? mabam
As tax should be imposed only once on an individual, only conclusion (d) follows.
These all are water animals.
If India is chosen, japan cannot be the second country chosen from Asia.
1. One of the possible combinations will be :
India, Sri Lanka, UK, USA
2. The other combination will be:
(i) India, China, UK, France
(ii) India, China, UK, Germany
(iii) India, China, USA, France
(iv) India, China, USA, Germany
In all, there are five different ways in which the four countries can be chosen.
Nitin : 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20.....................
Sumit : 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25..............................
Clearly, both will never call out the same number.
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