All the singers are fat and Ankit is a singer. So, Ankit is fat.
Only I is implicit. II is not implicit because of the word 'radical'.
Both I and II are beyond the scope of the statement.
I is a restatement. But II is implicit because it is on this assumption that the comparison has been made.
Both the conclusion follow from the statement. Conclusion I is the direct result of the statement. Conclusion II follows because in the given statement, there is a need to replace the present system with a new one.
I is weak because it gives undue weightage to nuclear power. Hydel power etc also help reduce air pollution. II is strong because safety is a very important criterion.
DTC authorities are assuming both the assumptions; that is why they have planned so.
Here, we have two objectives to achieve at the same time.
Firstly, we have to help the villager who has come from far off. Secondly, we have to reach the second meeting on time. Option (d) allows us to achieve both.
Option (c) also achieves the same objectives though it means that the villager will have to wait for a little more time.
Option (a) and (b) are wrong as, they will increase the troubles of the villager who might not be able to wait longer.
As you are a member of the team, so to maintain the healthy relationship with other team members you must try to clear the misunderstandings by talking to the other members.
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