1. Puberty 2. Adulthood 3. Childhood
4. Infancy 5. Senescence 6. Adolescence
All except think are functions performed by sense organs of the body.
Only Conclusion I follows :
Some who bark are dogs.
All dogs bite.
It means those dogs who do not bark, also bite.
Except 'Dust - Vaccum cleaner' , all second things in the option come in use with help of first.
In all other pairs, second denote a characteristics of the first
relationship is a: (7/2 a)
All except sweetness are related with beauty but sweetness is related with taste.
In all other pairs, second is a collective group of the first.
In all other pairs, second is a part of the first.
It is clear from the diagram that Mohan is facing towards North.
In all pairs expert (b) , deficiency of first causes the disease in second part.
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