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  • Question
  • In water chemical treatment plant, use of chloramines ensures

  • Options
  • A. disinfection.
  • B. taste & odour control.
  • C. weed control in reservoirs.
  • D. removal of permanent hardness.

  • Correct Answer
  • disinfection. 

  • Environmental Engineering problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Which of the following is the common pollutant emitted from metallurgical smelters, thermal power plant and cement plants?

    • Options
    • A. NOx
    • B. Hg
    • C. SO2
    • D. F
    • Discuss
    • 2. Pick out the wrong statement.

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    • A. The concentric atmosphere layer just above troposphere is called stratosphere, which is rich in ozone.
    • B. Mesosphere is characterised by very low atmospheric pressure and low temperature.
    • C. Troposhere is a dusty zone containing water vapor and clouds.
    • D. The radio waves used in the long distance radio communication are reflected back to earth by stratosphere.
    • Discuss
    • 3. Persons working in cement plants and limestone quarries are more prone to disease like

    • Options
    • A. cancer
    • B. asthma
    • C. silicosis
    • D. flourosis (bone disease)
    • Discuss
    • 4. Bag filter design is predominantly dependent on gas temperature, as it affects the gas density & viscosity and the selection of filtering material. The pressure drop in a bag filter is

    • Options
    • A. inversely proportional to viscosity of gas.
    • B. proportional to the viscosity & density of the gas.
    • C. proportional to the pressure of the gas.
    • D. both (b) and (c).
    • Discuss
    • 5. Which is a secondary air pollutant?

    • Options
    • A. Photochemical smog
    • B. Sulphur dioxide
    • C. Nitrogen dioxide
    • D. Dust particles
    • Discuss
    • 6. 80% less than 200 mesh size particles are called

    • Options
    • A. smoke
    • B. powder
    • C. grit
    • D. aggregates
    • Discuss
    • 7. Tri-sodium phosphate is used in boiler water treatment to reduce

    • Options
    • A. turbidity
    • B. caustic embrittlement
    • C. suspended silica
    • D. dissolved oxygen
    • Discuss
    • 8. Iron & manganese present as pollutant in water can not be removed by

    • Options
    • A. ion exchange process.
    • B. oxidation followed by settling & filtration.
    • C. lime soda process or manganese zeolite process.
    • D. chlorination.
    • Discuss
    • 9. 'Pneumoconiosis' is a disease caused by the inhalation of __________ dust.

    • Options
    • A. coal
    • B. uranium ore
    • C. iron ore
    • D. lime
    • Discuss
    • 10. The commonest form of iron & manganese found in ground water as pollutant is in the form of their

    • Options
    • A. carbonates
    • B. bi-carbonates
    • C. chlorides
    • D. sulphides
    • Discuss


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