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  • Question
  • An enum can be declared inside a class, struct, namespace or interface.

  • Options
  • A. True
  • B. False

  • Correct Answer
  • True 

  • Enumerations problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Which of the following statements are correct about the C#.NET code snippet given below?

      namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
      class Sample
          private enum color : int
          public void fun()
      class Program
          static void Main(string[ ] args)
              // Use enum color here
      1. To define a variable of type enum color in Main(), we should use the statement, color c; .
      2. enum color being private it cannot be used in Main().
      3. We must declare enum color as public to be able to use it outside the class Sample.
      4. To define a variable of type enum color in Main(), we should use the statement, Sample.color c; .
      5. We must declare private enum color outside the class to be able to use it in Main().

    • Options
    • A. 1, 2, 3
    • B. 2, 3, 4
    • C. 3, 4
    • D. 4, 5
    • Discuss
    • 2. Which of the following statements is correct about the C#.NET code snippet given below?

      int a = 10; 
      int b = 20; 
      int c = 30;
      enum color: byte
          red = a, 
          green = b,
          blue = c 

    • Options
    • A. Variables cannot be assigned to enum elements.
    • B. Variables can be assigned to any one of the enum elements.
    • C. Variables can be assigned only to the first enum element.
    • D. Values assigned to enum elements must always be successive values.
    • E. Values assigned to enum elements must always begin with 0.
    • Discuss
    • 3. Which of the following statements are correct about an enum used inC#.NET?

      1. By default the first enumerator has the value equal to the number of elements present in the list.
      2. The value of each successive enumerator is decreased by 1.
      3. An enumerator contains white space in its name.
      4. A variable cannot be assigned to an enum element.
      5. Values of enum elements cannot be populated from a database.

    • Options
    • A. 1, 2
    • B. 3, 4
    • C. 4, 5
    • D. 1, 4
    • Discuss
    • 4. Which of the following CANNOT be used as an underlying datatype for an enum in C#.NET?

    • Options
    • A. byte
    • B. short
    • C. float
    • D. int
    • Discuss
    • 5. Which of the following statements are correct about enum used in C#.NET?

      1. Every enum is derived from an Object class.
      2. Every enum is a value type.
      3. There does not exist a way to print an element of an enum as a string.
      4. Every enum is a reference type.
      5. The default underlying datatype of an enum is int.

    • Options
    • A. 1, 2, 5
    • B. 1, 4
    • C. 3, 5
    • D. 2, 3, 4
    • Discuss
    • 6. Which of the following statements is correct about namespaces in C#.NET?

    • Options
    • A. Namespaces can be nested only up to level 5.
    • B. A namespace cannot be nested.
    • C. There is no limit on the number of levels while nesting namespaces.
    • D. If namespaces are nested, then it is necessary to use using statement while using the elements of the inner namespace.
    • E. Nesting of namespaces is permitted, provided all the inner namespaces are declared in the same file.
    • Discuss
    • 7. Which of the following is absolutely neccessary to use a class Point present in namespace Graph stored in library?

    • Options
    • A. Use fully qualified name of the Point class.
    • B. Use using statement before using the Point class.
    • C. Add Reference of the library before using the Point class.
    • D. Use using statement before using the Point class.
    • E. Copy the library into the current project directory before using the Point class.
    • Discuss
    • 8. Which of the following statments are the correct way to call the method Issue() defined in the code snippet given below?

      namespace College
          namespace Lib
              class Book
                  public void Issue()
                      // Implementation code
              class Journal
                  public void Issue()
                      // Implementation code
      1. College.Lib.Book b = new College.Lib.Book(); 
      2. Book b = new Book(); 
      3. using College.Lib; 
        Book b = new Book(); 
      4. using College;
        Lib.Book b = new Lib.Book(); 
      5. using College.Lib.Book; 
        Book b = new Book(); 

    • Options
    • A. 1, 3
    • B. 2, 4
    • C. 3
    • D. 4, 5
    • Discuss
    • 9. If a class called Point is present in namespace n1 as well as in namespace n2, then which of the following is the correct way to use the Point class?

    • Options
    • A.
      namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
          class MyProgram
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  import n1; 
                  Point x = new Point();
                  import n2;
                  Point y = new Point(); 
    • B.
      import n1; 
      import n2;
      namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
          class MyProgram
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  n1.Point x = new n1.Point(); 
                  n2.Point y = new n2.Point(); 
    • C.
      namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
          class MyProgram
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  using n1;
                  Point x = new Point();
                  using n2;
                  Point y = new Point();
    • D.
      using n1;
      using n2; 
      namespace CuriousTabConsoleApplication
          class MyProgram
              static void Main(string[] args)
                  n1.Point x = new n1.Point(); 
                  n2.Point y = new n2.Point(); 
    • Discuss
    • 10. Which of the following statements is correct about the using statement used in C#.NET?

    • Options
    • A. using statement can be placed anywhere in the C#.NET source code file.
    • B. It is permitted to define a member at namespace level as a using alias.
    • C. A C#.NET source code file can contain any number of using statement.
    • D. By using using statement it is possible to create an alias for the namespace but not for the namespace element.
    • E. By using using statement it is possible to create an alias for the namespace element but not for the namespace.
    • Discuss


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