3. Which of the following statements are correct about the exception reported below? Unhandled Exception: System.lndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array: at CuriousTabConsoleApplication.MyProgram.SetVal(Int32 index, Int32 val) in D:\Sample\CuriousTabConsoleApplication\MyProgram.cs:line 26 at CuriousTabConsoleApplication.MyProgram.Main(String[] args) in D:\Sample\CuriousTabConsoleApplication\MyProgram.cs:line 20
The CLR failed to handle the exception.
The class MyProgram belongs to the namespace MyProgram.
The function SetVal() was called from Main() in line number 20.
The exception occurred in line number 26 in the function SetVal()
The runtime exception occurred in the project CuriousTabConsoleApplication.
6. A class implements two interfaces each containing three methods. The class contains no instance data. Which of the following correctly indicate the size of the object created from this class?