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  • Question
  • Referring to Problem 7, how much will the capacitor charge if the pulse width is increased to 12 ms?

  • Options
  • A. 2.51 V
  • B. 25.14 V
  • C. 4.86 V
  • D. 12.76 V

  • Correct Answer
  • 25.14 V 

  • Time Response of Reactive Circuits problems

    Search Results

    • 1. What is the highest frequency contained in a pulse that has a rise and fall time equal to 10 microseconds (10 µs)?

    • Options
    • A. 35 kHz
    • B. 3.5 kHz
    • C. 10 kHz
    • D. 100 kHz
    • Discuss
    • 2. If a periodic pulse waveform has a pulse width and the time between pulses each equal to or greater than five time constants, the capacitor will

    • Options
    • A. partially charge and fully discharge during each period of the input waveform
    • B. fully charge and partially discharge during each period of the input waveform
    • C. fully charge and fully discharge during each period of the input waveform
    • D. partially charge and partially discharge during each period of the input waveform
    • Discuss
    • 3. In an RC differentiator, responding to repetitive pulses, the average value of the output

    • Options
    • A. is zero
    • B. is equal to the input voltage
    • C. is 63 percent of the input voltage
    • D. cannot be determined
    • Discuss
    • 4. A sinusoidal voltage with a peak-to-peak value of 18 V is applied to an RC low-pass filter. If the reactance at the input frequency is zero, the output voltage is

    • Options
    • A. 18 V peak-to-peak
    • B. zero
    • C. 9 V peak-to-peak
    • D. 12.74 V peak-to-peak
    • Discuss
    • 5. An RC high-pass filter consists of an 820 Ω resistor. What is the value of C so that Xc is ten times less than R at an input frequency of 12 kHz?

    • Options
    • A. 81 µF
    • B. 161 µF
    • C. 0.161 µF
    • D. 220 µF
    • Discuss
    • 6. With an RL integrator, at the instant of the rising pulse edge,

    • Options
    • A. all the input voltage is across the resistor
    • B. all the input voltage is across the inductor
    • C. 63 percent of the input voltage is across the resistor
    • D. 63 percent of the input voltage is across the inductor
    • Discuss
    • 7. If the capacitor in an integrator becomes leaky,

    • Options
    • A. the time constant will be effectively reduced
    • B. the waveshape of the output voltage across C is altered
    • C. the amplitude of the output is reduced
    • D. all of the above
    • Discuss
    • 8. Referring this circuit, determine the maximum output voltage when a single pulse is applied as shown. The total resistance is 60 Ω.

    • Options
    • A. 2.73 V
    • B. 27.33 V
    • C. 30 V
    • D. 2.67 V
    • Discuss
    • 9. If the RC time constant of an integrator is increased, as the time constant is increased

    • Options
    • A. the capacitor charges more during a pulse and discharges less between pulses
    • B. the capacitor charges less during a pulse and discharges more between pulses
    • C. the capacitor charges more during a pulse and discharges more between pulses
    • D. the capacitor charges less during a pulse and discharges less between pulses
    • Discuss
    • 10. In an RC differentiator, the capacitor

    • Options
    • A. charges exponentially at a rate depending on the RC time constant
    • B. charges exponentially at a rate depending on the input voltage
    • C. charges when the input voltage is decreasing
    • D. charges to approximately one time constant
    • Discuss


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