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  • Question
  • If transfer function of a system is H(z) = 6 + z-1 + z-2 then system is

  • Options
  • A. minimun phase
  • B. maximum phase
  • C. mixed phase
  • D. none

  • Correct Answer
  • minimun phase 

    H(z) = 6 + z-1 - z-2, solve it by considering H(z) = 0 z = 1/3, -1/2 in H(z) only numerator.

    Hence z = 1/3, - 1/2 will be zero, and if zero lies inside the unit circle, system will be of minimum phase.

    Signals and Systems problems

    Search Results

    • 1. The Fourier series of an odd periodic function contains

    • Options
    • A. odd harmonics only
    • B. even harmonics only
    • C. cosine harmonics only
    • D. sine harmonics only
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    • 2. The ROC of sequence in the Z.T. of sequence x[n] = an ? [n] is

    • Options
    • A. z > a
    • B. z < a
    • C. |z| > a
    • D. |z| < a
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    • 3. A first order system will never be able to give a __________ response

      1. band stop
      2. band pass
      3. all pass
      Choose the correct option

    • Options
    • A. 1, 2, 3 true
    • B. 1 and 3 true, 2 false
    • C. 1, 2 are true 3 is false
    • D. 1, 2 are false, 3 is true
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    • 4. In Laplace transform, multiplication by e-at in time domain becomes

    • Options
    • A. translation by a in s domain
    • B. translation by (-a) in s domain
    • C. multiplication by e-as in s domain
    • D. none of the above
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    • 5. If and A + B is

    • Options
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D.
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    • 6. If

    • Options
    • A. - 12
    • B. 12
    • C. 20
    • D. - 20
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    • 7. Assertion (A): If , the initial value of i(t) is 5A

      Reason (R): As per initial vaue theroem

    • Options
    • A. Both A and R are correct and R is correct explanation of A
    • B. Both A and R are correct but R is not correct explanation of A
    • C. A is true, R is false
    • D. A is false, R is true
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    • 8. If , the coefficient of term e-t in f(t) will be

    • Options
    • A. 1
    • B. 0
    • C. 0.5
    • D. 2/3
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    • 9. In an ac circuit the fundamental component of current wave lags the corresponding voltage wave by 20°. The third harmonic component of current wave lags the corresponding voltage by an angle.

    • Options
    • A. less than 20°
    • B. more than 20°
    • C. equal to 20°
    • D. equal to or more than 20°
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    • 10. If , the terms in f(t) will have

    • Options
    • A. e-t and e-2t
    • B. et and e2t
    • C. te-t and te-2t
    • D. none of the above
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