The tractive force in a locomotive with two cylinders is given by (where c = Fraction of reciprocating parts per cylinder, m = Mass of reciprocating parts, ? = Angular speed of crank, r = Radius of crank, and ? = Angle of inclination of crank to the line of stroke)
A. m.?2.r cos ?
B. c.m.?2.r sin ?
C. (1 - c)m.?2.r(cos ? - sin ?)
D. m.?2.r(cos ? - sin ?)
Correct Answer
(1 - c)m.?2.r(cos ? - sin ?)
Theory of machines problems
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1. If ?/?n is very high for a body vibrating under steady state vibrations, the phase angle for all values of damping factors, will tend to approach
3. The acceleration of the particle moving with simple harmonic motion is inversely proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position.
5. When the two elements of a pair have a surface contact when relative motion takes place and the surface of one element slides over the surface of the other, the pair formed is known as a