Condone and offence have a contradictory relation as an offence cannot be condoned. The same relationship is exhibited by relationship overlook : Aberration.
This options says that aggressiveness is common way for both.
Hence X will face in the end towards South.
The pattern is the letter change their place in cyclic order.
Then, number of legs = 4x + 2 x (x/2) = 5x.
So, 5X = 70 or x = 14.
Grenade and gun are fire arms whereas head and brain are body organs.
All flowers are trees + All trees are jungles = A + A = A = All flowers are jungles ? conversion ? Some jungles are flowers Hence III follows. All trees are jungle + No jungle is hill = A + E = E = No tree is hill. Hence III follows. All flowers are trees + No tree is hill. Hence II follows. All flowers are trees + No tree is hill = A + E = E = No flower is hill. Hence I follows.
According to question,
A's weight is twice as much as of B.
1. A = 2B.
B's weight is four and half times as much as of C.
2. B = 4.5C
C's weight is half times as much as of D.
3. C = D/2.
D's weight is half as much as of E.
4. D = E/2.
E weight is less than A but more than C.
5. A > E > C
from 1 and 2
6. A = 2B = 9C
from 6 and 3
7. A = 2B = 9C = 4.5D
from 7 and 4
8. A = 2B = 9C = 4.5D = 2.25E
so from 8 and 5
A > B > E > D > C
So A is the heaviest in the weight.
Why are some excesses bound to happen? The speaker must be assuming II.
Again, to be satisfied with the success of SOG implies that the speaker must be assuming I also.
The meaningful order would be :
(d) Jungle ? (c) Timber ? (b) Pulp ? (e) Paper ? (a) Book
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