and (4 x 9) = 36 and (2 x 9) = 18
Therefore (9 x 6) = 54 and (4 x 6) = 24.
I is implicit; that is why the advertisement emphasises the popularity of product abroad as well as in domestic market. The natural property focussed on in the ad is conducive to facilitating sound sleep. Hence, II is also implicit.
I is strong because weakness in financial condition will lead to inadequate infrastructure facilities . II is a weak argument. Because the losers will be only those students who join the course after the commencement of the session .
Only Conclusion II follows as primary education may eradicate the problem
Total number of matches is 21 when divided in 3 stages we will get 7 matches in one stage.Hence , required answer is Bhanu.
The new result will be as follows :
After rearranging the given word EOPR , we can form two words.
Required words = PORE, ROPE
Assumption I is implicit as this is the purpose assumed while levying the tax. II is also implicit because when a rule is framed, it is assumed that people are capable of following it.
Conclusion I is valid because if unemployment is the main reason behind poverty, then creating employment opportuities is the need of the hour. Conclusion II is invalid because of the presence of word 'all'.
I is strong because intimacy of NRIs with Indian soil will be helpful for Indian economy .II is weak argument because a move can 't be restricted only because the move is not giving benefit to all of a kind.
I is implicit because advertisement of a particular brand is usually placed in order to compete with other available brands. II is implicit because price and quality are not inextricably related.
The words are synonyms of each other. So, chagrin' s synonym is annoyance.
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