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  • Question
  • Statements:

    1. The government has allowed private airline companies in India to operate to overseas destinations.
    2. The national air carrier has increased its flights to overseas destinations.

  • Options
  • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
  • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
  • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
  • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
  • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.

  • Correct Answer
  • Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect. 

    Since the Government has allowed private airline companies in India to operate to overseas, so the national air carrier has increased its flights to overseas destinations.

  • Cause and Effect problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Statements:

      1. The State Government has announced special tax package for the new industries to be set-up in the State.
      2. Last year the State Government had hiked the taxes for all industrial activities in the State.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 2. Statements:

      1. The university officers have decided to conduct last examination every year in March/April in order to announce the result at proper time.
      2. In past the result was declared late by the University due to the lack of number of examiners.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 3. Statements:

      1. The car manufacturing companies have recently increased the prices of mid-sized cars.
      2. The Government recently increased the duty on mid-sized cars.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 4. Statements:

      1. The literacy rate in the district has been increasing for the last four years.
      2. The district administration has conducted extensive training programme for the workers involved in the literacy drive.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 5. Statements:

      1. All the schools in the area had to be kept closed for most part of the week.
      2. Many parents have withdrawn their children from the local schools.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 6. Statements:

      1. The Government has imported large quantities of sugar as per trade agreement with other countries.
      2. The prices of sugar in the domestic market have fallen sharply in the recent months.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 7. Statements:

      1. Many people in the area are reported to be suffering from Malaria.
      2. Private Medical Practitioners in the area have decided to close their clinics for few days.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 8. Statements:

      1. Rural and semi-urban areas in the country have been suffering due to load-shedding for quite some time.
      2. If the Government is not able to overcome the power crisis, load-shedding will be extended even to the urban areas.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 9. Statements:

      1. The Government has increased rates of petrol and diesel by 10% from the immediate effect.
      2. Oil producing countries have decided to increase 10% of production on crude oil from the last quarter.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss
    • 10. Statements:

      1. The vegetable prices in the local market have increases manifold during the past few days.
      2. Incessant rains have created flood like situation in most rural parts of the State.

    • Options
    • A. Statement I is the cause and statement II is its effect.
    • B. Statement II is the cause and statement I is its effect.
    • C. Both the statements I and II are independent causes.
    • D. Both the statements I and II are effects of independent causes.
    • E. Both the statements I and II are effects of some common cause.
    • Discuss


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