S1: | Throughout history man has used energy from the sun. |
P : | Today, when we burn wood or use electric current we are drawing an energy. |
Q : | However we now have a new supply of energy. |
R : | All our ordinary life depends on sun. |
S : | This has come from the sun. |
S6: | This energy comes from inside atoms. |
P : | did not know |
Q : | he was nervous and |
R : | heard the hue and cry at midnight |
S : | what to do |
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: detract
Synonyms: bad-mouth, blister, criticize, cut down to size, cut to the quick, decry, deprecate, depreciate, deride, derogate, diminish, discount, discredit, disparage, dispraise, downgrade, downplay, dump on, knock*, lower, minimize, pan, pooh pooh, poor mouth, put down, rip*, roast, run down, scoff at, scorch*, scorn, shoot down, shoot full of holes, slam*, smear, sneer at, sour grapes, squash, squelch, take a swipe at, take down, take down a peg, tear down, underestimate, underrate, undervalue, write off.
Antonyms: build up, exaggerate, praise, value
P : | the long, narrow beard |
Q : | was clearly visible with |
R : | the tall stooping figure of the doctor |
S : | and the aquiline nose |
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