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  • Question
  • The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Rs. 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for Rs. 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 25% profit?

  • Options
  • A. Rs. 2000
  • B. Rs. 2200
  • C. Rs. 2400
  • D. Data inadequate

  • Correct Answer
  • Rs. 2000 

    Let C.P. be Rs. x.
    Then, 1920 - x x 100 = x - 1280 x 100
    x x

    ⟹ 1920 - x = x - 1280

    ⟹ 2x = 3200

    x = 1600

    ∴ Required S.P. = 125% of Rs. 1600 = Rs. 125 x 1600 = Rs 2000.

  • Profit and Loss problems

    Search Results

    • 1. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the same rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years?

    • Options
    • A. 1 : 3
    • B. 1 : 4
    • C. 2 : 3
    • D. Data inadequate
    • E. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 2. A person borrows Rs. 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He immediately lends it to another person at 6¼% p.a for 2 years. Find his gain in the transaction per year.

    • Options
    • A. Rs. 112.50
    • B. Rs. 125
    • C. Rs. 225
    • D. Rs. 167.50
    • Discuss
    • 3. A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs. 1750 after 7 years. Had the interest been 2% more, how much more interest would it have earned?

    • Options
    • A. Rs. 35
    • B. Rs. 245
    • C. Rs. 350
    • D. Cannot be determined
    • E. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 4. A sum of Rs. 725 is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 8 months, a sum of Rs. 362.50 more is lent but at the rate twice the former. At the end of the year, Rs. 33.50 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest?

    • Options
    • A. 3.6%
    • B. 4.5%
    • C. 5%
    • D. 6%
    • E. None of these
    • Discuss
    • 5. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal amount borrowed by him was:

    • Options
    • A. Rs. 2000
    • B. Rs. 10,000
    • C. Rs. 15,000
    • D. Rs. 20,000
    • Discuss
    • 6. If selling price is doubled, the profit triples. Find the profit percent.

    • Options
    • A. 66 23
    • B. 100
    • C. 105 13
    • D. 120
    • Discuss
    • 7. Sam purchased 20 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs. 375 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate of Rs. 33. What was his percentage profit?

    • Options
    • A. 3.5
    • B. 4.5
    • C. 5.6
    • D. 6.5
    • Discuss
    • 8. Some articles were bought at 6 articles for Rs. 5 and sold at 5 articles for Rs. 6. Gain percent is:

    • Options
    • A. 30%
    • B. 3313%
    • C. 35%
    • D. 44%
    • Discuss
    • 9. Alfred buys an old scooter for Rs. 4700 and spends Rs. 800 on its repairs. If he sells the scooter for Rs. 5800, his gain percent is:

    • Options
    • A. 4 47%
    • B. 5 511%
    • C. 10%
    • D. 12%
    • Discuss
    • 10. 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is:

    • Options
    • A. 14 27% gain
    • B. 15% gain
    • C. 14 27% loss
    • D. 15 % loss
    • Discuss


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