Routers operate at layer 3. LAN switches operate at layer 2. Ethernet hubs operate at layer 1. Word processing applications communicate to the Application layer interface, but do not operate at layer 7, so the answer would be none.
when trying to find the best answer to an access - list question, always check the access - list bnumber and then the protocol. When filtering to an upper - layer protocol, you must use an extended list, numbers 100 - 199 and 2000 - 2699. Also, when you filter to the port of an upper - layer protocol, you must use either tcp or udp in the ACL protocol field. If it says ip in the protocol field, you cannot filoter on the port number of an upper - layer protocol. SMTP uses TCP
Because subnet zero is configured and we have a class C address ( then the network portion will have 3 bits so 8 subnets will be available. The rest of the bits, 5, represent the available hosts, so 2^5=32, but only 30 are available, 0 ad 31 are network and broadcast respectively.
The four layers of the TCP/IP stack (also called the DoD model) are Application/process, Host-to-Host, Internet, and Network Access. The Host-to-Host layer is equivalent to the Transport layer of the OSI model.
IPSec is an industry-wide standard suite of protocols and algorithms that allows for secure data transmission over an IP-based network that functions at the layer3 Network layer of the OSI model.
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