Correct Answer: The Quality Factor is also defined, as Q So it is a number, which reflects the lossness of a circuit higher the Q, the lower are the losses the quality factor is measurement of efficiency (or effectiveness) of a device or circuitry In literal sense quality factor means qualitative performance of a device
Correct Answer: Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for exectuion or the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which has not beeb completely fetched in both the cases it gets increnented automatically one by one as the instruction bytes get fetched Also Program register keeps the address of the next instruction
Correct Answer: A bus is a group of conducting lines that carriers data, address, & control signals A bus is two or many wire communication method A bus which communicate between two active devices, it may transfer address, data etc
Correct Answer: A blocking assignment is one in which the statements are executed sequentially, ie, first statement is executed and variable is assigned a value then second is executed and so on A non blocking assignment is one in which statements occurs conturrently, only non blocking assignments should be used in sequential circuit eg initial begin a=b; //blocking c<=a; //nonblocking d=c; // blocking end In this example firstly the value of b is assigned to a and this value is assigned to c only after execution of first statement the second and the third statements are executed simultaneously, ie value a ais assigned to c and previous value if c is assigned to d
8. Write an RTL Description for D latch and D flip flop?
Correct Answer: stack is portion of RAM used for saving the content of Program Counter and general purpose registers LIFO stacks, also known as "push down" stacks, are the conceptually simplest way of saving information in a temporary storage location for such common computer operations as mathematical expression evaluation and recursive subroutine calling
Correct Answer: Flag is a flip-flop used to store the information about the status of a processor and the status of the insturction executed most recently A software or hardware mark that signals a particular condition or status A flag is like a switch that can be either on or off The flag said to be set when it is turned on