Correct Answer: XML templates are XML files such as XHTML files XML templates includes the processing directives which affect how the template is rendered, and the template expressions which are substituted dynamically by various data
Correct Answer: You need to first create a table in oracle that matches with the fields of the XML data So to get the XMl into the table, you can create a generic procedure that moves an XML document into a table by converting the elements to Oracle Canonical format Oracle Canonical format is as follows: ROW is used for the table names ROWSET is used for the XML document You can get the XML into the canonical form using XSL: < /ROW> To transform the XML document into the canonical form, you can write a procedure Make sure you include the line below in your procedure code: v_rows := DBMS_XMLStoreinsertXML( v_context, XMLTypetransform(p_xml_in, p_xsl_in)); The only remaining step is calling your procedure: DECLARE v_xml XMLType := XMLType( YOUR XML Document ); v_xsl XMLType := XMLType( YOUR XSL Document ); BEGIN procedure_name(v_xml, v_xsl, 'table_name'); END;
Correct Answer: An XSL sheet or a document may have duplicate elements and attributes Therefore, the XML namespaces define a way to distinguish between duplicate element types and attribute names An XML namespace is a collection of element type and attribute names It is a URI due to which any element type or attribute name in an XML namespace can be uniquely identified It consists of two parts : the name of the XML namespace and the local name eg: xmlns: h=?https://wwwabccom? After this, you can write ?? to associate the table with the declared namespace
Correct Answer: CDATA - (Unparsed) Character Data The term CDATA is used when you dont want some text data to be parsed by the XML parser A CDATA section starts with "":
Correct Answer: SQL Server is having a fantastic feature to retrieve data persisted in the form of XML format The data in the XML format can be retrieved using FOR XML clause appending to the SELECT statement It offers 3 modes - ?FOR XML AUTO": Returns XML elements that are nested, based on which tables are listed in the "from" part of the query, and which fields are listed in the "select" part - "FOR XML RAW": Returns XML elements with the "row" prefix (ex: "") Each column in a table is represented as an attribute and null column values aren't included - "FOR XML EXPLICIT": Explicit mode is the most complex shaping method used in SQL Server 2000 It allows users to query a data source in such a way that the names and values of the returned XML are specified before the query batch is executed
7. What is EXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML)?
Correct Answer: XAML is a markup language used to define dynamic or static UIs for NET applications Though Windows Vista would be used to design XAML UIs, they can be applied to Windows XP or Windows 2003 too XAML is similar to MVC in terms of the separation of the UI code from application logic XAML is bound to Windows Presentation foundation to build a UI in NET 30 and Windows Vista XAML Features: - XAML inherits all XML definitions and rules - It also contains HTML, XHTML and other markup languages for UI - Every XAML element represents a NET CLR class due to which working with XAML becomes simple - The application logic can be put in a separate file or be embedded in XAML file itself as XAML in conjunction with Windows Presentation Foundation model to provide the developers design a good UI in ASPNET - XAML files get compiled to BAML files which are smaller than XAML and easier to read which make them faster to load
Correct Answer: The web hosting on the server can be accomplished by using the IP based hosting that provides resources and services as follows: - IP based hosting provides dedicated IPs that consists of virtual hosts and having the different IP address - Web server is configured with different and multiple physical network interfaces using the same physical interface - Web server uses this IP address to connect the client with the server to determine the web site that provides the client a view of it - IP addresses provide the resources that are required in order to use the SSL certificates and other resources rather than shared certificate
Correct Answer: - Name based is the virtual hosting that allows the virtual hosts to serve multiple hostnames that runs on single machine and having only one IP address - This is used when the web browser is used to request the resource from the server then the server respond using the hostname - Web server uses HTTP protocol to respond to the requested hostname as the part of the request - The server contains all the information of the website and the user that requests for the resources given - Name based web hosting includes the resources and services that need to be given at the time of client?s request
10. What needs to be taken into consideration to host a website?
Correct Answer: - To host a website a platform needs to be decided using which the hosting can be made simpler - The specification needs to be determined before hosting the website and choosing the hosting platform - The choice of operating system needs to be clear in choosing the website hosting services and the resources that the particular hosting platform requires need to be known - The web hosting platform requires lots of services that need to be decided before hosting the website on the web - The space and the cost need to be kept minimum and according to that the choice has to be made between hosted or shared platforms