CDATA - (Unparsed) Character Data The term CDATA is used when you dont want some text data to be parsed by the XML parser A CDATA section starts with "":
Correct Answer: XML, Extensible Markup Language, is an open, text based markup language that provides structural and semantic information to data XML is a metalanguage that can be used to create other language It is used to structure and describe data that can be understood by other applications Using XML, we can separate the user interface from data Features of XML : - XML is a generalized markup language that means one can define his/her own tag sets - A valid XML document contains rules and is self-describing - The rules that are found in DTD allow the documents to be validated
Correct Answer: Web server handles client side and server side validations and helps to deliver web content that can be accessed through the Internet protocols Examples: Microsoft IIS (Internet Information Service) Apache web server from Apache Java web server Pramathi web server etc
Correct Answer: Web browser is a software application used to locate,retrieve and display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, videos and other files Examples : Microsoft Internet Expiorer , Mozilla Firefox , Google Chrome, Opers , Safari etc
Correct Answer: Web application provides services (Free and Paid) apart from information Ex: Online Banking System It provides Bank information , Branches & ATM information, Loans information etc And It provides balance enquiry, Fund transfer, Bill payments like services
Correct Answer: An XSL sheet or a document may have duplicate elements and attributes Therefore, the XML namespaces define a way to distinguish between duplicate element types and attribute names An XML namespace is a collection of element type and attribute names It is a URI due to which any element type or attribute name in an XML namespace can be uniquely identified It consists of two parts : the name of the XML namespace and the local name eg: xmlns: h=?https://wwwabccom? After this, you can write ?? to associate the table with the declared namespace
7. How do you load data from XML file to a ORACLE table?
Correct Answer: You need to first create a table in oracle that matches with the fields of the XML data So to get the XMl into the table, you can create a generic procedure that moves an XML document into a table by converting the elements to Oracle Canonical format Oracle Canonical format is as follows: ROW is used for the table names ROWSET is used for the XML document You can get the XML into the canonical form using XSL: < /ROW> To transform the XML document into the canonical form, you can write a procedure Make sure you include the line below in your procedure code: v_rows := DBMS_XMLStoreinsertXML( v_context, XMLTypetransform(p_xml_in, p_xsl_in)); The only remaining step is calling your procedure: DECLARE v_xml XMLType := XMLType( YOUR XML Document ); v_xsl XMLType := XMLType( YOUR XSL Document ); BEGIN procedure_name(v_xml, v_xsl, 'table_name'); END;
Correct Answer: XML templates are XML files such as XHTML files XML templates includes the processing directives which affect how the template is rendered, and the template expressions which are substituted dynamically by various data