Correct Answer: SELECT-OPTIONS: specify or displayed on the selection screen for the user to enter values Parameters : dname like dept-dname Select-options: dname for dept-dname
Correct Answer: The Singleton design pattern ensures a class only has one instance, and provides a global point of access to it The class keeps track of its sole instance and ensures that no other instance can be created Singleton classes are appropriate for situations where it makes sense for a single object to provide access to a global resourceSeveral Cocoa framework classes are singletons They includeNSFileManager, NSWorkspace, NSApplication, and, in UIKit,UIApplication A process is limited to one instance of these classes When a client asks the class for an instance, it gets a shared instance, which is lazily created upon the first request
Correct Answer: A child selector is used when you want to match an element that is the child of another specific element The parent and child selectors are separated by spaces The following selector locates an unordered list element within a paragraph element and makes a text within that element bold p > ul {font-weight: bold;}
Correct Answer: 1 An injector is a service locator 2 It is used to retrieve object instances as defined by provider, instantiate types, invoke methods and load modules 3 There is a single injector per Angular application, it helps to look up an object instance by its name
9. Choose the correct html tag to make a text italic. 1. 2. 3. 4.