Correct Answer: A powerful tool to import and validate transaction data from other financial systems and create invoices , debit memos , credit memos and on-account credits Setup steps: 1 Define the line ordering rules 2 Define the grouping rules - attache the line ordering rules to the grouping rules
Correct Answer: A Customer Master Record is a permanent record that contains key information about a business partner or a material This information must be entered into the system before any transactions can take place involving the business partner [customer] or a material Entering all the information about a customer or a material into the system before making transactions insures that subsequent transactions or inquiries will have consistent data and reports and analyses can be done in an orderly way Master Records can be edited or changed when necessary Changing master records is frequently called "Maintaining" in SAP
Correct Answer: Selling the rights to the amounts owing by debtors to a finance company for an agreed amount (which is less than the figure at which they are recorded in the accounting books because the finance company needs to be paid for providing the service)
6. Which of the following is not economic investment?
A. the piling up of inventories on a grocer's shelf
B. the purchase of a drill press by the Ajax Manufacturing Company
C. construction of a suburban housing project
D. the purchase of 100 shares of AT&T by a retired business executive
Correct Answer: A commercial bank is a type of bank that provides services such as accepting deposits, making business loans, and offering basic investment products Commercial bank can also refer to a bank or a division of a bank that mostly deals with deposits and loans from corporations or large businesses, as opposed to individual members of the public
10. What is the difference between Private bank and Nationalized bank?
Correct Answer: Nationalized banks are also known as public sector banks where the government is responsible for the deposition of money in these banks while in a private bank money is deposited by the person who owns the bank