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  • Question
  • Which is true of the Federal Republic of Germany?

  • Options
  • A. It was pro-American
  • B. It joined together all of Germany
  • C. It was Communist
  • D. It was Socialist

  • Correct Answer
  • It was pro-American 

  • Tags: AIEEE, Bank Exams, CAT, Analyst, Bank Clerk, Bank PO

    World Geography problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Which country plans to launch international lunar base?

    • Options
    • A. Japan
    • B. India
    • C. Russia
    • D. China
    • Discuss
    • 2. The term 'Nuclear Posture Review (NPR)', some times seen in the news is associated with the affairs of which of the following?

    • Options
    • A. Russia
    • B. USA
    • C. India
    • D. China
    • Discuss
    • 3. For what is Napa valley in California famous for

    • Options
    • A. Dry fruits
    • B. Mangoes
    • C. Wine
    • D. Wool
    • Discuss
    • 4. In which city the headquarters of Asian Development Bank is there?

    • Options
    • A. Luanda
    • B. Tirana
    • C. Kabul
    • D. Manila
    • Discuss
    • 5. The first amendment guarantees US by
    • Discuss
    • 6. Who has been sworn in as the new Attorney General of the United States?

    • Options
    • A. Dick Thornburg
    • B. William Barr
    • C. Edwin Meese
    • D. Janet Reno
    • Discuss
    • 7. The world?s longest river the Nile, flows through which continent?

    • Options
    • A. South America
    • B. Africa
    • C. North America
    • D. Europe
    • Discuss
    • 8. Mount ST. Helens is an 'active stratovolcano' located in ____.

    • Options
    • A. Japan
    • B. India
    • C. USA
    • D. Chile
    • Discuss
    • 9. In 2015, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was held at -

    • Options
    • A. Paris
    • B. Doha
    • C. Montreal
    • D. Copenhagen
    • Discuss
    • 10. The remains of the resistant rocks found in the river eroded plain or peneplain are called ___________

    • Options
    • A. Monadnock
    • B. Jukenberg
    • C. Hum
    • D. No option is correct
    • Discuss


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