The first laser was a solid state laser. Solid state refers to any solid material like a glass rod. Diode lasers are very common because they are used to read compact disks and digital video disks in computers, CD players, and DVD players. Before diode lasers, the most common type of laser may have been the helium-neon laser, in which the active medium is a combination of the two gasses helium and neon.
3. William Frederick is credited with the invention of the modern frisbee in the mid 1950's. In 1957 the Wham-O Company bought his idea and the rest is history. They named the toy after William Frisbie who was a ________?
The 386 chip was the first to offer a possible 32- or 64-bit access to data. OS-2 2.x or higher and Windows 95 required at least a 386 CPU while Windows NT 4.x required at least a 486 CPU to run.
6. The percentage of India's total population employed in agriculture is nearly
A. the intensity of light emitted by them changes with time
B. the distance of the stars from the earth changes with time
C. the refractive index of the different layers of the earth's atmosphere changes continuously, consequently the position of the image of a start changes with time
D. the light from the star is scattered by the dust particles and air molecules in the earth's atmosphere
Correct Answer: the refractive index of the different layers of the earth's atmosphere changes continuously, consequently the position of the image of a start changes with time
9. Who headed the committee on 'computerisation' in Indian Banks(1988)?
Before IBM created its personal computer, two types of computer systems, Apple II and CP-M, dominated the microcomputer world. Neither of these systems were PC compatible, or Mac-compatible (the two primary standards in place today). The original IBM PC became a new standard in the microcomputer industry. Since then, hundreds of millions of PC-compatible systems have been sold, as the original PC grew into a large family of computers and peripherals. More software has been written for this computer family than for any other system on the market.