The ozone gas present in the atmosphere absorb ultraviolet radiation. It is spread as a ozone layer throughout the stratosphere.
Dengue is the disease that is not caused by bacteria.
Smoking can lead to emphysema as well as strokes is the true statement regarding tobacco use. Emphysema is related to the failure of lungs air sacs and cilia that eliminate the dust from the body.
Primary productivity refers to plants that make their own food using sunlight, water and availability of nutrients. Hence, they are not limited by time.
True, the given statement that the atmosphere is unaffected by changes in the geosphere.
Unsaturated fats are good fats that lowers cholesterol levels and risk of heart attack.
An enzyme speeds up a reaction by lowering the activation energy which is done by catalysts to increase the rate.
The main cause of Tsunami is Earthquake on Sea Surface.
Activation of the receptors by stimuli is called Sensation.
Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is planned, structured and repetative.
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