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  • Question
  • The mass of a mole of NaCl is the

  • Options
  • A. 58.44 gm/mol
  • B. 57.25 gm/mol
  • C. 56.31 gm/mol
  • D. 59.14 gm/mol

  • Correct Answer
  • 58.44 gm/mol 


    To get the mass of a mole of NaCl, we need to add the molar atomic weights of the individual elements i.e, Na and Cl

    Atomic weights of Na = 22.99 gm/mol  Cl = 35.45 gm/mol


    Now, mass of a mole of NaCl = 22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44 gm/mol.

  • Tags: AIEEE, Bank Exams, CAT, GATE, Analyst, Bank Clerk, Bank PO

    Chemistry problems

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    • B. Water
    • C. Heat
    • D. Nitrogen
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    • B. C6H10O2
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    • D. C6H12Cl2O2
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    • B. number of electrons
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    • B. FALSE
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    • B. Exothermic
    • C. Both A & B
    • D. Can't be determined
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    • B. have same number of electrons and protons
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    • B. -2
    • C. +2
    • D. 0
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