The number of protons in an isotope or an atom gives its atomic number whereas the number of protons and neutrons gives its mass number.
In a concentrated solution there is a large amount of solute.
We know that each successive IE is greater than the previous one, because each ionization process removes one electron and hence increases the total attractive force on the remaining electrons from the nucleus. Hence, C3+ (g) ? C4+ (g) + e- needs more energy.
Endothermic reaction is the reaction in which energy is obserbed for the change.
Vulcanization of rubber is a process of improvement of the rubber elasticity and strength by heating it in the presence of sulfur rubber much stronger, more flexible, and more resistant to heat and other environmental conditions.
Due to the molecules present in the 2,2-dimethylbutane are closely packed, it has the highest boiling point.
The principal quantum number is the property of an electron which determines the energy of electron and the distance of electron from the nucleus of an atom.
Dry distillation of calcium acetate and calcium formate leads to the formation of aldehydes and ketones.
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